Tom Rogers & Jim Durden
- 2019/02/02
- 07:03

Your mother warned you to stay away from the bad boys. But what can you do when the bad boys are the best fucks? Tom and Jim both fall into the “bad boy” category. We find them the day after Tom got into an altercation at a club the previous night. Fortunately, Tom is the evident winner of this scuffle as his injuries seem to be limited to a slightly bruised cheek and a sexy, husky voice. The boos...
Riff Dornan
- 2019/02/02
- 07:01

The new guys are coming fast and furious and we have a lot for you to meet before you see their first scenes. Today we have Hungarian newcomer Riff Donan. You’ll see Riff’s first scenes in February and March with Bastian Duffy and Alan Mosca respectively. You’ll be seeing a lot more of Riff.(Source: