Black Friday Blowout is here!
- 2020/11/28
- 11:16

Our Black Friday Blowout is here! 40% off every membership option plus 3 free DVD downloads! Black Friday is always huge for us and this year we have a brand new state-of-the-art membership site experience to go along with our Black Friday Sale! If you haven't already, head over to and check out all the great new features!
- 2020/11/28
- 11:13

Although Andrei tells us that this was Giulio's first scene it is in fact his 3rd, but it is his first 3way and also the first time he has worked with director Marty Stevens. He is here today with buddy Derek Caravaggio, who thought it would be a good idea if they made it a 3way instead of a normal couple (we did go back later and film Andrei and Giulio together as well). Andrei is the top today f...
Tom Rogers & Torsten Ullman
- 2020/11/28
- 11:11

Today we join Tom Rogers in what was his first on-camera performance for us. His partner today is also the guy who brought him to us in the first place, Torsten Ullman. For a fresh 18 year old, Tom is already quite well built and very confident in his love of getting fucked. Although this is the first hardcore scene we have seem Tom in this year on BelAmi, he is still on our acti...
Marc Ruffalo & Chris Caan
- 2020/11/28
- 11:09

All twink only fans please look away now... (just kidding, actually, maybe not) Today we have our bearded boy, Marc Ruffalo back again in this new scene with Chris Caan. It is clear from the beginning that Chris has some serious daddy issues, from his fascination with Marc's beard through to his insistence that Marc 'teach him things'. This is certainly not a bad thing for Marc (or us) as he enjoy...
Black Friday Sale
- 2020/11/28
- 11:03

BelAmi Black Friday Sale to your audience! 40% off ALL memberships plus free downloads!
Derek Caravaggio & Cristiano Cruzo Part 2
- 2020/11/28
- 11:01

The urban dictionary defines “flip flop” as “When two guys are having sex and they both take turns being the bottom.” While this may be so in real life, porn world works differently as we generally film these over two days with the boys alternating roles each day. So, we rejoin Derek and Cristiano the morning after their first tryst. Cristiano surprised us and Derek when he took on the role of top...
Derek Caravaggio & Cristiano Cruzo Part 1
- 2020/11/28
- 10:59

This first taste of newcomer Cristiano Cruzo breaks our own rules. This flip-flop double day special with Derek comes prior to his official introduction which you will see early next year. This is still an early scene for him, as well as his very first flip flop. Cristiano is not submissive, however he does like to take guidance from more experienced guys. Derek is happy to oblige. Derek planned ...
Matt Thurman
- 2020/11/28
- 10:57

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It was with some trepidation that we allowed Jerome to conduct the solo and interview with sexy newbie Matt Thurman. Jerome’s interviews often devolve into interrogations- or worse- he’ll forego the solo and elect instead to fuck their brains out. Fortunately, none of this happened, so we got to learn q...
Bart Cuban & Helmut Huxley
- 2020/11/21
- 10:17

Since Bart Cuban’s introduction just over a year ago, he has become one of your favorites. So, as a local, we couldn’t leave him out of our “Budapest Adventure” series. Today, he is being seduced by another one of your favorites, Helmut Huxley. Most of our Hungarian models speak some English or manage to pick up a smidgin as they go along. Bart is an exception to that rule and only speaks Hungaria...
Yannis Paluan & Viggo Sorensen
- 2020/11/21
- 10:16

Fresh Twink Alert! The young twink featured in the photo-session at the beginning is named Jorik. You will see him here and at BelAmi as part of our “Summer in Prague” series. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, we can focus our attention on the stars of this scene, Viggo and Yannis. Both guys have additional jobs other than starring in scenes- Yannis as production manager and Viggo as came...